Vendée Globe – are you guys keeping track of this insane race??
The Vendée Globe is the “greatest sailing race around the world, solo, non-stop and without assistance”. Called the Everest of the Sea, this race is full of drama and trauma, requires so much grit and guts, takes technical and mechanical know-how, and is absolutlely fascinating.
The online tracking map shows the routes these brave sailors have taken through the oceans of the world and around the three capes: Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn.
The eight Vendee Globe races have seen 167 contenders take on this crazy race. Only 89 of them have managed to cross the finish line. Only one skipper has won it twice : Michel Desjoyeaux, in 2001 and 2009.
This 9thVendée Globe started on Sunday November,8 2020. So just a little farther to go! Keep up here.